Build a custom app using the Developers Portal

Using Bettermode's developers portal, you can build and connect custom apps to your communities. This will allow you to unlock enormous functionalities for your communities powered by Bettermode.

How Bettermode's Developer Portal works

This initial version of Bettermode's Developer Portal allows businesses to seamlessly use Bettermode APIs and webhooks to build a new app on top of their communities. Developers can create a new app and then publish it on all the communities that they have admin access to.

Below are the steps you should follow in order to build and add a new app to your community powered by Bettermode:

1. Visit

2. Use an email address to log in as a developer.
Note: Use the email address that has admin access to your community so that you can publish the app to your community afterward.

3. Click on “Create a new app” and insert your choice of App name and Slug. Pick the community you would like to publish the app.
Note: The communities you see in the dropdown are the ones that you have access to as an admin with the same email address used in step #2 above.

4. Now you can start building your app using Bettermode's GraphQL API and webhooks.
Note: Click on each item on the left menu for detailed technical tutorials.

Note: Click on Credentials in the left menu to access your API keys.

âť— Important: The apps will be only available to the community that the app has been created for. In the future, we'll provide the ability of admins to publish an app that other community builders on Bettermode can benefit from it.

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