Container design - 2 column layout (deprecated)

Using containers to make a main and right sidebar is useful when creating spaces that have a feed or a posts block as the focal point while allowing you to still display other blocks in a visible location without taking any away from the content itself.

When using containers in your Bettermode community, you only have to worry about these 2 basic principles (no code rules!):

  1. The main container direction (the container that’s holding all of the containers inside it) The direction should always be a horizontal grid.

  2. Containers for blocks based on the number of columns you want to separate them over. The direction should always be a vertical row for these containers.

For the main and right sidebar layout, you’ll need to do this:

  1. Create a container block that is 3 columns wide (large) in size and set the direction to a horizontal grid.

  1. Inside this container, create 2 more containers:

2.1. Create a container that’s 2 columns wide (medium) and set the direction to a vertical row

2.2. Create a container that’s 1 column wide (small) and set the direction to a vertical row.


  1. Click on the 2 columns (medium) wide container, click on “…” and select add block 3.1) Select either the posts block or the feed depending on your requirements

RIGHT SIDEBAR 4) Click on the 1-column (small) wide container, click on “…” and select add block

4.1) Choose the block (repeat the process to add more than 1 block) that you’d like to add to the right sidebar.

  1. You will now have a main container and a right sidebar with the blocks of your choice.

Using the container block in your Bettermode Community is easy once you’ve learned those two simple rules! Simply apply the logic above, and start creating this main and right sidebar layout in your community!

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