Posts block

The posts block is by far the most customizable block on the Bettermode Platform. It allows you to define how members view your posts based on the customizable options you choose to use. Content is king in communities, so you need to consider how your members would like to view content by defining the most appropriate style and configurations to ensure posts are discoverable, easy to read, and stunning to look at! Different post types require different styles to maximize member engagement with your content.

You can customize:

  • The posts block title

  • The posts block description

  • The heading action

  • Views (add views that appear as “tabs” in the posts block for different post viewing configurations)

When customizing the views, you can configure:

  • The name of the view

  • The source (where the posts are sourced from; specific space or the entire site).

  • The post type (one post type can be selected per view). You can’t use multiple post types in the same view - they have to be separated.

  • The filter (Choose to filter by author, tag or published at).

  • How the posts are sorted (Update date / Publish date / Latest activity / Reply count / Reaction count / Title)

You can customize the style which will affect the configurable options below it. The available styles are List / Card / Gallery / Carousel.

List view configurations:

  • Divider (toggle on and off)

  • On click (open post page)

  • Display “show more” toggle (toggling on displays a show more button if the amount of posts is greater than the number of posts that are currently being shown).

  • Number of posts (select between 1-20). If “show more” toggle is activated, it will display more posts when the button is clicked on depending on the value that you set here.

Specific list view configurable post elements You can quickly make different post elements visible or invisible by clicking on the eye icon, and you can move each element by clicking on the 6 dots and dragging them up and down to change the order.

  • Member avatar:
    Visible toggle (toggle on if you want this to be invisible).
    Avatar size (small / medium / large)

  • Post summary
    Visible toggle (toggle on if you want this to be invisible)
    Stretch toggle (do you want the content to be stretched across the total available area)
    Post title (small / medium / large)
    Post content (toggle visibility Tags and toggle visibility)

  • Tags
    Visible toggle (toggle on if you want this to be invisible)
    Stretch toggle (do you want the content to be stretched across the total available area)

  • React button
    Visible toggle (toggle on if you want this to be invisible)
    Stretch toggle (do you want the content to be stretched across the total available area)
    Variant (Icon & text / Icon / Text)

  • Reaction count
    Visible toggle (toggle on if you want this to be invisible)
    Stretch toggle (do you want the content to be stretched across the total available area)

  • Reply count
    Visible toggle (toggle on if you want this to be invisible)
    Stretch toggle (do you want the content to be stretched across the total available area)

  • Publish date
    Visible toggle (toggle on if you want this to be invisible)
    Stretch toggle (do you want the content to be stretched across the total available area) Display appearance (Date / Text / Pill)
    Date format (Locale date / Standard / Relative date)

  • Title
    Visible toggle (toggle on if you want this to be invisible)
    Stretch toggle (do you want the content to be stretched across the total available area) Display appearance ( Title / Text / Pill) Title size ( small / medium / large)

Card view configurations:

  • Display “show more” toggle (toggling on displays a show more button if the amount of posts is greater than the number of posts that are currently being shown).

  • Number of posts (select between 1-20). If “show more” toggle is activated, it will display more posts when the button is clicked on depending on the value that you set here.

Specific card view configurable post elements You can quickly make different post elements visible or invisible by clicking on the eye icon

  • Post banner (Locked - can’t be moved)
    Visible toggle (toggle on if you want this to be invisible)
    Banner source (Post photo / SEO image)
    Aspect ratio (1:1 (square) / 3:2 / 4:1 / 16:9)

  • Replies list (Locked - can’t be moved)
    Visible toggle (toggle on if you want this to be invisible)

  • Post info bar
    Visible toggle (toggle on if you want this to be invisible)

  • Member info
    Visible toggle (toggle on if you want this to be invisible)
    Full-width toggle (toggle on if you’d like full width)
    Show space name toggle (toggle on if you want to display the space name)
    Show post options (Toggle on if you want to display post options)

  • Post title
    Visible toggle (toggle on if you want this to be invisible)
    Full-width toggle (toggle on if you’d like full width)
    Title size ( small / medium / large)

  • Post content
    Visible toggle (toggle on if you want this to be invisible)
    Full-width toggle (toggle on if you’d like full width)
    Display style ( Full content / Truncated content / Expandable content)
    Content preview size ( Brief / Standard / Extended)

  • Tags
    Visible toggle (toggle on if you want this to be invisible)
    Full-width toggle (toggle on if you’d like full width)

  • Post activity bar
    Visible toggle (toggle on if you want this to be invisible)
    Full-width toggle (toggle on if you’d like full width)
    Show reaction count toggle
    Show follow count
    Show reply count

  • Publish date
    Visible toggle (toggle on if you want this to be invisible)
    Stretch toggle (do you want the content to be stretched across the total available area) Display appearance (Date / Text / Pill)
    Date format (Locale date / Standard / Relative date)

  • Title
    Visible toggle (toggle on if you want this to be invisible)
    Stretch toggle (do you want the content to be stretched across the total available area) Display appearance ( Title / Text / Pill) Title size ( small / medium / large)

Gallery view configurations:

  • Item size (Small / medium / Large)

  • On click (Open post page)

  • Display “show more” toggle (toggling on displays a show more button if the amount of posts is greater than the number of posts that are currently being shown).

  • Number of posts (select between 1-20). If the “Show more” toggle is activated, it will display more posts when the button is clicked on depending on the value that you set here.

Specific gallery view configurable post elements You can quickly make different post elements visible or invisible by clicking on the eye icon, and you can move each element by clicking on the 6 dots and dragging them up and down to change the order.

  • Post banner
    Visible toggle (toggle on if you want this to be invisible)
    Banner source (Post photo / SEO image)
    Banner style (Banner / Square - if square is selected, the aspect ratio isn’t configurable)
    Aspect ratio (1:1 (square) / 3:2 / 4:1 / 16:9)

  • Post title
    Visible toggle (toggle on if you want this to be invisible)
    Full-width toggle (toggle on if you’d like full width)
    Title size ( small / medium / large)

  • Post content
    Visible toggle (toggle on if you want this to be invisible)
    Full-width toggle (toggle on if you’d like full width)
    Display style ( Full content / Truncated content / Expandable content)
    Content preview size ( Brief / Standard / Extended)

  • Tags
    Visible toggle (toggle on if you want this to be invisible)
    Full-width toggle (toggle on if you’d like full width)

  • React button
    Visible toggle (toggle on if you want this to be invisible)
    Full-width toggle (toggle on if you’d like full width)
    Stretch toggle (do you want the content to be stretched across the total available area)
    Variant (Icon & text / Icon / Text)

  • Reaction count
    Visible toggle (toggle on if you want this to be invisible)
    Stretch toggle (do you want the content to be stretched across the total available area)

  • Reply count
    Visible toggle (toggle on if you want this to be invisible)
    Full-width toggle (toggle on if you’d like full width)
    Stretch toggle (do you want the content to be stretched across the total available area)

  • Publish date
    Visible toggle (toggle on if you want this to be invisible)
    Stretch toggle (do you want the content to be stretched across the total available area) Display appearance (Date / Text / Pill)
    Date format (Locale date / Standard / Relative date)

  • Member info
    Visible toggle (toggle on if you want this to be invisible)
    Space to bottom toggle
    Show space name toggle

  • Title
    Visible toggle (toggle on if you want this to be invisible)
    Full-width toggle (toggle on if you’d like full width)
    Stretch toggle (do you want the content to be stretched across the total available area) Display appearance ( Title / Text / Pill) Title size ( small / medium / large)

Carousel view configurations:

  • Item size (Small / medium / Large)

  • On click (Open post page)

  • Display “show more” toggle (toggling on displays a show more button if the amount of posts is greater than the number of posts that are currently being shown).

  • Number of posts (select between 1-20). If the “show more” toggle is activated, it will display more posts when the button is clicked on depending on the value that you set here.

Specific gallery view configurable post elements You can quickly make different post elements visible or invisible by clicking on the eye icon, and you can move each element by clicking on the 6 dots and dragging them up and down to change the order.

  • Post banner
    Visible toggle (toggle on if you want this to be invisible)
    Banner source (Post photo / SEO image)
    Banner style (Banner / Square - if square is selected, the aspect ratio isn’t configurable)
    Aspect ratio (1:1 (square) / 3:2 / 4:1 / 16:9)

  • Post title
    Visible toggle (toggle on if you want this to be invisible)
    Full-width toggle (toggle on if you’d like full width)
    Title size ( small / medium / large)

  • Post content
    Visible toggle (toggle on if you want this to be invisible)
    Full-width toggle (toggle on if you’d like full width)
    Display style ( Full content / Truncated content / Expandable content)
    Content preview size ( Brief / Standard / Extended)

  • Tags
    Visible toggle (toggle on if you want this to be invisible)
    Full-width toggle (toggle on if you’d like full width)

  • React button
    Visible toggle (toggle on if you want this to be invisible)
    Full-width toggle (toggle on if you’d like full width)
    Stretch toggle (do you want the content to be stretched across the total available area)
    Variant (Icon & text / Icon / Text)

  • Reaction count
    Visible toggle (toggle on if you want this to be invisible)
    Stretch toggle (do you want the content to be stretched across the total available area)

  • Reply count
    Visible toggle (toggle on if you want this to be invisible)
    Full-width toggle (toggle on if you’d like full width)
    Stretch toggle (do you want the content to be stretched across the total available area)

  • Publish date
    Visible toggle (toggle on if you want this to be invisible)
    Stretch toggle (do you want the content to be stretched across the total available area) Display appearance (Date / Text / Pill) Date format (Locale date / Standard / Relative date)

  • Member info
    Visible toggle (toggle on if you want this to be invisible)
    Space to bottom toggle
    Show space name toggle

  • Title
    Visible toggle (toggle on if you want this to be invisible)
    Full-width toggle (toggle on if you’d like full width)
    Stretch toggle (do you want the content to be stretched across the total available area) Display appearance ( Title / Text / Pill) Title size ( small / medium / large)

All of the above configurations can be configured differently in different views.

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