FullStory Integration

Released on April 4, 2022

Bettermode is a platform, and this means it's very simple to build new apps and integrations on top of it. In the following days, we're going to announce a few new apps and integrations that we've built over the past 10 days. It's worth mentioning that we're building apps on top of Bettermode with the exact toolset that is available to third-party developers. In fact, soon, we're going to open-source most of our 1st-party apps to provide rich examples to our amazing Bettermode developers!

For today, I'm excited to announce our FullStory integration! 🎉

This video features our former brand, Tribe. Since then, Tribe has undergone a rebrand and is now known as Bettermode.

FullStory is a Digital Experience Intelligence (DXI) platform that offers visual analytics, comprehensive session details, and collaboration tools.

Using this integration, admins can understand issues related to the usage of the community and uncover opportunities to improve the community experience. Once the integration is set up, FullStory will start collecting data related to how members are interacting with the community.

Bettermode also makes it easy to segment data in FullStory by sending member attributes and events. Apart from collecting the data sent by Bettermode, FullStory also automatically collects data as members continue to interact with the community.

Please note that FullStory script is only injected for non-Admins. To test the integration you can login as a regular member or use incognito mode.

Top use cases

Get inspired with these examples:

  • Session replay: View how members interact with the community via a complete DVR-like playback. Use the insights to solve problems that members are facing and improve the user experience.

  • Segmentation: Perform a better analysis for different types of members. Combine community activity and member property data from Bettermode and the data automatically collected by FullStory to build granular member segments.

    For instance, some of the filters you can use for segmentation are:

    • Member activities (created post, reacted, updated profile, etc.)

    • Engagement data (number of sessions, last seen, first seen, etc.)

    • Friction (error clicks, rage clicks, dead clicks, etc.)

    • Page properties (specific Spaces inside the community)

    • Location (country, state, city, etc.)

  • Funnels: Build conversion funnels based on the actions you ideally want the members to take and analyze the drop-off data to improve conversion.

📖 Learn more about this integration → here

FullStory app is available on Bettermode's Advanced and Enterprise plans.