Installing the Google Analytics app

Learn how to send Bettermode community data to Google Analytics (GA) to extract valuable insights, by installing the Google Analytics app in Bettermode.

Collecting robust analytics is the key to growing a community. Bettermode's built-in Analytics provides data on community activities by tracking members' engagement with an overview of the network's performance. In addition to this, the Google Analytics app expands the possibilities for data measurement.

Track the following metrics with Google Analytics:

  • Community traffic trends over time.

  • The time users spend on different pages in the community.

  • Posts that are read by users in a session.

  • Community's popular activities.

  • Where the community traffic comes from.

  • Many more...

How to install and enable the Google Analytics app

  1. Like any other app in your community, you need to first install the app: Learn how to install an app

  2. Once installed, from the app Settings tab, add the Google Universal Analytics Tracking ID (Instructions are available under the app settings) and Save settings.

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