Installing and uninstalling apps

Discover, try, and enhance your community with apps.

Bettermode offers a series of apps that can be installed in a community. In this article, learn how to browse, install, and manage apps. Each app's availability depends on a community's pricing plan. Learn more about Bettermode's pricing and the available apps here.

How to access Bettermode apps

Log in with Admin Account > Click on the Profile picture in the top right > Administration > Apps > All apps:

After accessing the Apps page, view a collection of apps available on the Bettermode Platform. Each tile on the page represents an app. Click on each app to learn more about it, install/uninstall, complete the Setting, and enable the app.

How to install and uninstall an apps

Select the designated app from the All Apps page, then click on the Install button on the top right. Once an app is installed, the Install button will change from “Install this app” to "Uninstall". To uninstall the app, click on the Uninstall button.


  • Only community admins can install, uninstall, and manage app settings.

  • Once an app is "Uninstalled", its settings are erased and there is no way to recover the app settings.

  • Once an app is "Disabled", the settings will be saved for when you Enable the app again.

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