Receive community notifications using the Discord app

Enables admins and moderators to receive notifications from the community directly inside Discord through CommunityBot

Discord is one of the most popular apps for communication. Using Bettermode's Discord app, admins and moderators can receive notifications inside Discord for certain community activities. Admins and moderators can receive notifications from the entire community or selected community Spaces.

List of community activities that send notifications to Discord

  • New posts and replies

  • Posts flagged for moderation

  • Posts accepted or rejected from the moderation panel

  • Request to join a Space and approval or rejection

  • New members joining the community

  • Sent email invitations for joining the community

โ— Notes:

  • All the notifications sent to Discord have the contextual community link.

  • You can connect multiple communities or community spaces to one Discord channel.

  • You can connect one community space to multiple channels on Discord.

How to enable Bettermode's Discord App

  1. Like any other Bettermode app, you need to install the app: Learn how to install an app

  2. Once the app is installed, from the app settings tab, click on
    Connect to Discord:

  3. Then you need to choose a space to receive notifications from or you can leave it empty to receive updates from the whole community. Then click on Connect to Discord. This will take you to the Discord login page if you are not logged in already:

  4. After you log in to Discord, it asks you to connect to the server and the Discord channel if you want the community notifications to be sent to.

  5. Once a channel is connected, it shows up in the community's App settings:
    You can remove or edit the connected channels. You can also add more connections by clicking on Connect to Discord.

๐ŸŽฅ For the step-by-step video tutorial, please click here to see our post in the Product Updates space.

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