Discussions post type

The discussion post type is designed for thread-based conversations to help members voice their thoughts. This post type accepts a title and a description. Images, videos, and more can be added to the description section. This post type is the simplest form for members to communicate with each other. It allows your members to start conversations with community staff and other members. With the option to choose from 6 different emojis to react to the post and the ability to add nested replies, members can join in on emerging conversations in your community. Unlike events and articles, discussions do not have a cover image.

Composer fields:

  • Title (Mandatory)

  • Content (Optional)

  • Tags (Optional)

In the contents field, you can add text, images, videos, audio, and attachments. You can do this by using the toolbar icons below the content composer or by using slash commands in the content section itself. Here are some of the most popular slash commands that you and your members may like to know about:

/image for images

/video for videos

/audio for audios

/attachment for attachments

Replies and reactions:

  • React with a choice of 6 different emojis.

  • Reply to posts

  • Nested replies to posts

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