Ideas post type

The ideas post type invites your members to share their ideas about your product/service which provides you with valuable feedback while also ensuring your members feel like they are contributing to future developments.


  • Title

  • Status - Hidden - only admins can update (New/Planned /In progress/In beta/Delivered)

  • Content

  • Type - only admins can update (New feature/Improvements/New template/Integration)

  • Tags

In the contents field, you can add text, images, videos, audio, and attachments. You can do this by using the toolbar icons below the content composer or by using slash commands in the content section itself. Here are some of the most popular slash commands that you and your members may like to know about:

/image for images

/video for videos

/audio for audio

/attachment for attachments

Replies and reactions:

  • Upvote

  • Replies

  • Nested replies

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