Questions post type

The questions post type provides your members with the ability to ask questions that members can then upvote on, giving you visibility into which questions to tackle first. You can use this to gauge gaps in product/service knowledge while also giving members the ability to reply to question posts to add their experiences, providing further visibility for your understanding.


  • Title

  • Content

  • Assignee (hidden - only visible to admins)

  • Resolved / unresolved toggle button (toggle on to mark the most as resolved)

  • Tags

In the contents field, you can add text, images, videos, audio, and attachments. You can do this by using the toolbar icons below the content composer or by using slash commands in the content section itself. Here are some of the most popular slash commands that you and your members may like to know about:

  • /image for images

  • /video for videos

  • /audio for audio

  • /attachment for attachments

Replies and reactions:

  • Upvote

  • Replies (There are no nested replies in this post type - just straight comments).

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