The job post type details vacancies in your organization. Communities are a great way to hire talent that you wouldn’t normally find using conventional tools, and who knows! You may just find the perfect candidate for the vacancy inside your community. Members can’t reply to job listings, but you can allow them to react and click the apply button!
Salary range
Department (select from Customer Success/Engineering/Marketing/Operations/Product/Sales/Other).
Employment type (select from Full-time/Part-time/Contract/Temporary /Other
Remote toggle button (toggle on if the job is remote).
Apply link
In the contents field, you can add text, images, videos, audio, and attachments. You can do this by using the toolbar icons below the content composer or by using slash commands in the content section itself. Here are some of the most popular slash commands that you and your members may like to know about:
/image for images
/video for videos
/audio for audio
/attachment for attachments
Replies and reactions:
Clickable “Apply now” button
React using 6 different emojis