Understand member behavior using the Fullstory app

Understand member behavior and improve the community experience through video playbacks of member sessions via Bettermode's Fullstory App.

Fullstory is a Digital Experience Intelligence (DXI) platform that offers visual analytics, comprehensive session details, and collaboration tools. With this integration, admins are empowered to understand issues related to the usage of the community and uncover opportunities to improve the community experience.

Popular use-cases for Bettermode's Fullstory App

  • Session replay: View how members interact with the community via a complete DVR-like playback. Use the insights to solve problems that members are facing and improve the user experience.

  • Segmentation: Perform a better analysis for different types of members. Combine community activity and member property data from Bettermode and the data automatically collected by Fullstory to build granular member segments.

  • Funnels: Build conversion funnels based on the actions you ideally want the members to take and analyze the drop-off data to improve conversion.

How to enable Bettermode's Fullstory App

  1. Like any other Bettermode app, you need to first install the app: Learn how to install an app

  2. Once the app is installed, from the app settings, fill in the required section and click Save settings:

    • Fullstory Org ID: Your Fullstory Org Id needs to be provided when configuring Fullstory using the Browser SDK NPM package and other client-side integrations. Learn more using the help instructions, also provided under the setting.

    • User Attributes: Enable this toggle if you want the community to send the following user information to Fullstory:

      • Member ID

      • Role: User’s role in the community

      • Locale: Language of the browser

      • Created At: when the user was created in the community

      Once User Attributes are enabled, you need to add the User Properties Prefix and User Identifier. For the User Identifier section, you have two options in the dropdown:

      1. Select the ID that identifies the user in Fullstory.

      2. Choose External ID If you are sending the External ID to Bettermode using Single Sign-On.

    • Send Events: Enable this toggle if you want the community to send the following events to Fullstory:

      âť—Note: Bettermode only sends the events to Fullstory for regular members, and not admins or moderators.

      • member_updated: member's information is updated by a member or admin

      • member_deleted: member is self-deleted or deleted by an admin

      • post_created: post or reply is published and visible to members

      • post_updated: post or reply is updated

      • post_deleted: post or reply is deleted

      • reaction_added: reaction is added to a post or reply

      • reaction_removed: reaction is removed from a post or reply

âť— Note: Please note that the Fullstory script is only injected for non-Admins. To test the integration you should log in as a regular member or use incognito mode.

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