What are the default Post Types/CMS models?

Bettermode offers different post types, each designed for a specific purpose. Before we explore each post type and how they look, let's see how we can enable a post type in the community.

How to enable a Post Type/CMS Model

To use a post type, you need to first enable it in at least one space in the community.

  1. You can either create a brand new space and select a space template that uses your desired post type by default.

  2. Or, you can add your desired post type to the existing space by going to the space's Settings> CMS models > enable your desired post type(s) by turning on the toggle > and clicking Update.

CMS models on Bettermode

1. Event

This post type is designed for announcing and promoting events, where you can add the event's time, date, and location. Users can explore upcoming and past events shared in each space, with the ability to quickly RSVP to the events of their interest. You can also add a description and images to your event. Members can RSVP using the "Event link" provided by the author.

2. Article

Articles are perfect for long-format posts, blogs, and stories. Articles can have a cover image, title, and description. Members can learn more about the full list of articles published per space by quickly browsing the cover image, title, and the first few lines of the description section.

❗ Note: Admins can add customizable tabs and filters to the top of each space through the Design Studio. Each space template has some default tabs that can be removed or edited.

3. Discussion

The discussion post type is designed for thread-based conversations to help members voice their thoughts. This post type accepts a title and a description. Images, videos, and more can be added to the description section. Unlike events and articles, discussions do not have a cover image.

4. Question

The question post type allows members to share their questions with the community by adding a title and description to their posts. Community admins and moderators can assign each question to community staff and also mark a question as resolved from the "edit post" section.

Community admins, moderators, and the author of the question can select one of the available answers as the "Best Reply".

❗ Note: Marking the best reply is available for all post types.

Users can quickly browse the list of questions asked in each space and see how many answers are provided per question. If you use the Question space template, the Unresolved and Latest tabs will be available by default.

Additional Settings for the Posts

Admins and moderators can access additional post settings while editing the post.

Advanced options

  • Lock Post:
    Once locked, members cannot reply or react to the post.

  • Change Author:
    Search for a community member to select them as the author.

  • Change Publish Time:
    Change the date and time for publishing the post.

SEO options

  • Define Meta title and meta description

  • Select social media sharing image

  • Hide the post from the search results

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