Sync community member properties using the HubSpot app

Combine HubSpot's powerful CRM platform and your Bettermode community to sync member properties and activities with HubSpot contacts, run targeted campaigns, and boost customer engagement.

➕The HubSpot App is available on the Enterprise plans. Please contact the sales team for more information. Learn more about Bettermode's pricing and plans here.

The following data points can be synced between HubSpot and the community

  • Member properties: Each community member will have a contact in HubSpot. If a contact does not exist in HubSpot, a new one will be created. Admins can toggle this functionality on or off.

  • Enrich contacts: If contact syncing is enabled, in addition to the default contact fields in HubSpot, Bettermode will send useful information to each HubSpot contact, such as member creation time, member ID, name, tagline, and the community profile URL.

  • Member activities: Community member activities will be added to the HubSpot contact activity.

    • Member joined the community

    • Post published

    • Replies published

    • Member joined space

    • Member left space

  • Space membership: When members join different Spaces, the Space membership data will be synced with a HubSpot contact property named "Spaces". Using this field alongside other HubSpot contact fields, Admins can create dynamic HubSpot lists and filter members based on their Spaces.

How to enable the HubSpot App

  1. Like any other Bettermode app, you need to install the app: Learn how to install an app

  2. Once the app is installed, from the app settings, click on Connect HubSpot:

  3. This will take you to your HubSpot account, where you can select the community and set permissions in HubSpot. Once the permissions are set, you will be sent back to the community app settings, where you will need to complete the following settings:

    • Field category name: It is the prefix and the category for all the properties that your community sends to HubSpot.
      ❗Note: You cannot change the category name unless you uninstall and install the app again.

    • Create contact: If this toggle is off, Bettermode will only update existing contacts in HubSpot. If the toggle is on, Bettermode will create a new contact in HubSpot if the contact does not exist.
      ❗Note: Once the HubSpot app is active, it does not create contacts for all existing members in the community unless their community profile is updated or they’ve conducted activity in the community. For syncing all members, you can export the community members' list and import the list to HubSpot manually.

    • Send events: If this toggle is on, community activities for each member will be recorded in HubSpot.

  4. Click on Submit to complete the HubSpot integration with your community.

🎥 For the step-by-step video tutorial, please click here to see our post in the Product Updates space.

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