Shaping the future of Bettermode—chapter 4

Since the beginning of this year, we have been laying the foundation for improving customizability of the Bettermode Platform. Our goal is to help you create communities that are distinctively yours with a set of unique features — no coding required!
Now this will be possible with the first version of the improved Customizer which will be rolled out this month!
The improved Customizer will help you customize the community using a set of built-in blocks. Select and arrange blocks such as iFrame, Accordions, Rich text, member lists, tags, and more to transform your community the way you like.
Apart from improving the customization capabilities, we’re also focused on the Bettermode App Store. We’re getting ready to increase the number of apps so you can have all the tools you need to improve the functionality of the community.
A key step in that direction will be open-sourcing of certain apps. This will help developers easily build apps on top of the Tribe Platform and pave the way for Bettermode to become more developer friendly.
Three awesome reasons to attend this session:
- See the improved Customizer in action.
- Learn more about future enhancements.
- Understand the plans for the Bettermode App Store.