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Direct Message: Definition + Common use

Direct messages allow users to communicate with each other. Find out how you can send direct messages with Bettermode.
Written by
Duncan Elder
Last updated
July 26, 2024

Also known as a DM, direct messages are sent privately between users, as opposed to content posted on a public community. Direct messages do not appear in either users’ activity feeds. In some cases, such as Twitter, both users must be following each other in order for them to exchange direct messages. In others, such as LinkedIn, users require premium subscriptions to send direct messages to other users who are not following them.

“Slide into DMs”

A popular piece of Internet slang, the phrase ‘slide into DMs’ refers to sending direct messages to another user with the express purpose of initiating a romantic relationship.

Learn how your community members can send direct (private) messages with communities powered by Bettermode.

Duncan Elder
Content writer

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