Protegrity is building a global community of security experts and developers

Empowering developers to become security leaders is the key to solving the industry gap of security teams. Bettermode’s community platform is helping us become leaders in this movement.

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Community Goals
Bridging the gap between security and development teams
Protegrity, a trusted advisor in data security, has been serving enterprises for over 15 years. It caters to a diverse clientele, including large enterprises and leaders in industries such as Government, Banking, Retail, Health, and Financial Services.
The acceleration in countries passing privacy regulations has made data privacy a universal challenge for multi-national corporations across industries such as Travel & Hospitality, IT, and beyond.
Protegrity also identified a significant challenge in the industry - a cybersecurity staffing shortage, with the industry operating at 56% capacity globally. The staffing shortage in the cybersecurity industry posed a real challenge for Protegrity's customers, who felt the challenge on a day-to-day basis.
The need was to create a platform that could help bridge the gap and make data security and
privacy accessible as well as actionable. That’s why Protegrity created the Shift Left Community, a collaborative space of resources, tools, Q&A, and discussion forum for cybersecurity experts and developers.
The platform's name is derived from the DevOps concept of incorporating testing and quality assurance as early as possible in the Software Development Life Cycle, thereby reducing the costs of fixing errors later while accelerating time to production.
“By making the 3-5 InfoSec specialists Space Admins and adding Protegrity experts to the space, we can empower the wider organization to embed data security and privacy at scale for their business.”
Why Protegrity built the community with Bettermode
Protegrity chose Bettermode Platform for robust community engagement tools, customization capabilities, multi-tenancy support, a wealth of integrations, moderation tools, reporting capabilities, and overall platform support.
Features, such as badging, have been instrumental in keeping members engaged and motivated to learn. Bettermode's Salesforce integration also helps keep data in sync for a 360-degree within the CRM solution.
Finally, SSO authentication helped Protegrity give easy access to the customers and team members.
"We assessed various community platforms considering key factors like feature-rich engagement tools, customization, multi-tenancy, integrations, moderation, reporting, and overall support. Bettermode surpassed other community platforms in meeting our needs."
How Bettermode supported Protegrity
Shift Left community offers a platform to collaborate with security experts at Protegrity in an open and welcoming forum to discuss their questions among peers and their security team. They also get access to helpful guides and articles that educate them on security best practices.
The Protegrity team empowers developers with the knowledge and tools to gain confidence in secure coding.
This bridges the language gap between security and development and shifts from a culture of
fear to one of shared responsibility. Gamification and rewards, like badges and swag, encourage community participation and leadership.
“From recognition to earning badges, we can quickly identify those individuals who are championing security and setting a great example for the team.”
The impact of the community
The Shift Left Community has had a transformative impact on Protegrity's customer engagement. It has offered a way to help security experts propagate knowledge and enable developers at scale to implement security practices.
In the span of four months, Protegrity laid the groundwork for their Shift Left community and onboarded their first group of customers. The Protegrity team also created a space within Shift Left to support the launch of their Borderless Data solution.
Protegrity's Shift Left Community is a testament to the power of community in addressing industry challenges. By empowering developers to become security leaders, Protegrity is bridging the gap between demand and supply in the cybersecurity industry.